Friday, October 11, 2013


Welcome to Inside Anthropology.

I should start by introducing myself. My name is Jenn, I'm a third year student in the Anthropology Department here at U of T, and I'll be working in the Department this semester as the student social media co-ordinator. Yes, I'm the one who updates our Twitter feed (follow us! @UofT_Anthro). A little about me: I have minors in general anthropology and archaeology, though biological anthropology is my primary interest. We'll see where I go after finishing my undergraduate degree, though I'm interested in pursuing either law school or grad work. I've had the privilege of traveling to many places in the world to observe many different cultures, something I believe has made me a better person, and a better anthropologist. My hobbies include photography, reading, working out at Hart House, and hanging out at various museums around Toronto. I hope to bring you interesting insights about anthropology here at the university.

But this blog is about more than that. Our goal is to reach out to the community and offer information about what's going on in the department. Here you'll find profiles of professors, department staff, and students. You'll also find information about interesting events that are happening in the Anthropology department. Maybe even some posts about neat stuff happening in the world of anthropology itself. If you have an Anthropology event you want to promote, know someone doing something interesting in the field, or just feel like writing us, you can email . We'll get back to you as soon as we can!

I will try to post several times a week - we have a lot going on that everyone should know about! There are so many people doing fantastic research, and our department is hosting many events that students and professors alike should take advantage of. Anthropology is present in everything, and my goal is to make it all a little more accessible. So keep on reading!

Yours in print,

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